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Being Dufay
399 czk  CD
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Being Dufay
Field, Potter

based on vocal fragments by Guillaume Dufay (1397–1474)
John Potter: tenor; Ambrose Field: composer, live and studio electronics

Between Two Waves
399 czk  CD
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Between Two Waves
Victor Kissine

1 Between Two Waves
Concerto for piano and string orchestra (2006/2008)

2 Duo (after Osip Mandelstam)
for viola and violoncello (1998/2011)

3 Barcarola
for violin solo, string orchestra and percussion (2007)

Gidon Kremer: violin; Daniil Grishin; viola; Giedrė Dirvanauskaitė: violoncello; Andrius Zlabys: piano; Andrei Pushkarev: percussion; Kremerata Baltica, Roman Kofman, conductor

399 czk  CD
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Alexander Knaifel

Ivan Monighetti - violoncello, Tatiana Melentieva - soprano, Piotr Migunov - bass, State Hermitage Orchestra, Saulius Sondeckis Principal - conductor, Lege Artis Choir, Boris Abalian Artistic - director

Bridge Of Light
399 czk  CD
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Bridge Of Light
Keith Jarrett

Elegy for Violin and String Orchestra
Adagio for Oboe and String Orchestra
Sonata for Violin and Piano
Bridge of Light for Viola and Orchestra
(All compositions by Keith Jarrett)

Keith Jarrett – piano
Marcia Butler – oboe
Michelle Makarski – violin
Patricia McCarty – viola
The Fairfield Orchestra conducted by Thomas Crawford

Recorded at the State University of New York in Purchase, New York in March, 1993

Cantante e tranquillo
239 czk  CD
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Cantante e tranquillo
Keller Quartette

Recordings 1997-2012

András Keller, Janos Pilz: violins; Zoltán Gál: viola; Ottó Kertész; violoncello
András Keller, Zsófia Köryei: violins; Zoltan Gál: viola; Judi Szabó: violoncello
Alexi Lubimov: piano

Canticle of the Sun
399 czk  CD
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Canticle of the Sun
Sofia Gubaidulina

The Lyre of Orpheus
Gidon Kremer: violin, Marta Sudraba: violoncello, Kremerata Baltica

The Canticle of the Sun
Nicolas Altstaedt: violoncello, Andrei Pushkarev: percussion, Rihards Zaļupe: percussion, Rostislav Krimer: celesta, Riga Chamber Choir Kamēr - conducted by Māris Sirmais

Canto di speranza
399 czk  CD
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Canto di speranza
Bern Alois Zimmermann

Thomas Zehetmair: violin, Thomas Demenga: cello, Gerd Böckmann: voice, Robert Hunger-Bühler: voice, Andreas Schmidt: bass, WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln, Heinz Holliger: conductor

• Konzert (1950), für Violine und großes Orchester
• Canto di speranza (1952/57), Kantate für Violoncello und kleines Orchester
• Ich wandte mich und sah an alles Unrecht, das geschah unter der Sonne (1970), Ekklesiastische Aktion für zwei Sprecher, Bass-Solo und Orchester

Three keyfigures from ECM’s contemporary music roster – Heinz Holliger, Thomas Zehetmair, and Thomas Demenga – team up for an exceptional recording of three works by German post-war composer Bernd Alois Zimmermann. Zimmermann, almost half a generation older than the serialists such as Boulez and Stockhausen, integrated state-of-the-art compositional methods in his writing while constantly following his own independent, highly expressive musical language. The rhythmically energetic violin concerto (1950) which is partially based on twelve-tone models and cast in three movements, was soon hailed as a model for a post-war solo concerto, while “Canto di Speranza” (1953/57), a one-movement cello concerto, acccording to Zimmermann, emphasizes monologue and introvert meditation. “Ich wandte mich…” on the other hand is Zimmermann’s last work, finished only a few days before his suicide in 1970. Labelled by the composer as an “ecclesiastical action”, the 35-minute oratorio on biblical verse and the famous parable "The Grand Inquisitor" from Dostoevsky’s “Brothers Karamazov” is a deeply pessimistic “performance art” work - of the kind that flourished in Germany’s ‘Fluxus’ scene around 1970 - involving recitation, singing, and both gestural and acrobatic action.

Canto oscuro
399 czk  CD
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Canto oscuro
Anna Gourari

Anna Gourari: piano

Bach/Busoni: Ich ruf’ zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ
Gubaidulina: Chaconne
Hindemith: »1922« — Suite für Klavier
Bach/Busoni: Nun komm’ der Heiden Heiland
Bach/Busoni: Chaconne
Bach/Siloti: Prelude in b minor

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