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Aphorisms in Music
Thomas Campion

Lucie Strejcová - soprano
Barbora Hulcová - Baroque lute
Magda Uhlířová - viola da gamba

Awake, shepherds!
350 czk  CD
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Awake, shepherds!
Ryba, Linek, Pětipeský, Sehling, Schreier

Czech and Moravian Christmas music of the 18th century

Victoria Ensemble 
Viktorie Kaplanová: artistic direction 

Between Angels and Muses
290 czk  CD
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Between Angels and Muses
Jaroslav Tůma

Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer (1656–1746)
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562–1621)
Georg Friedrich Kaufmann (1679–1735)
Johann Georg Albrechtsberger (1736–1809)
Jaroslav Tůma (1956)

organ (1708?) by Johann David Sieber in Polná

Brevnov Abbey Organ (The)

Czech late Baroque figural music by Benedictines of the Břevnov-Broumov Archabbey / Johann Valentin Rathgeber, Georg Christoph Wagenseil, Wenzel Gunter Jacob, Josef Mentzel, Erasmus Mentschel, Anonymous

Robert Hugo - organ, Hana Blažíková - soprano, Markéta Cukrová - alto, Jaromír Nosek - bass
Capella Regia Praha, directed by Robert Hugo

Capella regia musicalis - Ritornello
350 czk  CD
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Capella regia musicalis - Ritornello
Václav Karel Holan Rovenský
Hollan's hymnal CAPELLA REGIA MUSICALIS (1693/94) is unique in the world, for several important reasons. Its relatively large format (A4) was rarely used anywhere. It was so big that it required a music stand. It was not, however, meant only to remain standing in the church as a counterpart to the liturgical books on the altar; it was intended for use in processions, schools, at table in peoples' homes, and at the bedside (for morning, evening, and wedding songs). Some of the songs seem to have come running in from a small grove, park, garden, or field-path, or, conversely, running back to them. It contains songs for a small Bohemian Ordinary, next to evensongs, songs for the congregation, solo 'arias' for professionals - the acolytes. Some of the songs allow the accompanying organist to 'shine'; others have been furnished much less modestly with parts not just for the organ but for many other instruments as well. No other nation in the world can boast such an accomplishment.
Carnival Has Arrived (The)
Ritornello, Michael Pospíšil
Czech carnival folk song collection from about 1680
Ritornello, directed by Michael Pospíšil
Castrato Arias
David Cizner

Händel, Pergolesi, Porpora, Vinci

David Cizner boy soprano
Hipocondria ensemble – Jan Hádek: violin, Petra Ščevková: violin, František Kuncl: viola, Ondřej Michal: cello, Tadeáš Messany: double bass, Petra Ambrosi: oboe, Inge Marg: oboe, Jana Švadlenková: natural horn, Hana Suková: natural horn, Jan Krejča: theorbo, Filip Dvořák: harpsichord

Cathedral Organ in Litoměřice
290 czk  CD
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Cathedral Organ in Litoměřice
Bach - Middelschulte, Schmidt, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Bossi, Finke, Tůma

Johann Sebastian BACH / Wilhelm MIDDELSCHULTE: Chaconne für Violine allein
Franz SCHMIDT: Toccata C-Dur
Felix MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY: Präludium und Fuge G-Dur, op. 37/2
Marco Enrico BOSSI: Tema e Variazioni, op. 115
Fidelio Friedrich FINKE: Drei Choralvorspiele für Orgel
Jaroslav TŮMA: Improvisation on „Koleda, koleda, Štěpáne“ theme

Jaroslav Tůma – organ Jehmlich (Dresden 1941)

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