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Jaroslav Tůma - fortepiano by Paul Mc Nulty, Divišov 1998 (after Walter Sohn, c. 1805)
Andreas Kröper - traverso & Antiquarius Trio Praga: Václav Návrat - violin, Ivo Anýž - viola, Hana Fleková - cello
Jan Novák: Sulpicia (Amores Sulpiciae) for four female voices based on texts of Albia Tibulla Tereza Surovíková: Maturation of Love (Zrání lásky) set of three compositions for a five-part female choir a cappella on the biblical text of the same name - Song of Songs No. 2 Karel Bendl: In the Nature Realm (V přírodě) twelve duet songs on the words of Vítězslav Hálek