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we are out of office from February 10. Your orders will therefore be processed and sent in the week begining February 17. Thank you for your understanding.
Studio Svengali / Arta Music

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A Bloody Gallery
190 czk  CD
In stock
A Bloody Gallery
Tomáš Hanzlík

Enchanting Passion opera processing historical events of August 4, 1306 which resulted in the murder of Wenceslaus III, the last member of Přemyslid dynasty.

Ensemble Damian

A Portrait of Clavichord 1787
390 czk  2CD
In stock
A Portrait of Clavichord 1787
Jaroslav Tůma

Graupner, Bach J.S., Bach C.P.E., Štěpán, Mozart, Howells

Jaroslav Tůma - clavichord, Johann Christoph Georg Schiedmayer, 1787

A Winged Creature
290 czk  CD
In stock
A Winged Creature
Miroslav Pudlák
Ensemble Mondschein, Prague Philharmonia
contemporary music
Ad matrem venite
350 czk  CD
In stock
Ad matrem venite

Marian Motets and Instrumental Music from the Archbishop‘s Archives in Kroměříž

Capella Ornamentata, Richard Šeda


Contemporary music ensemble from Prague presents compositions by Martin Smolka (Music Sweet Music, 1985-88), Miroslav Pudlák (Imprints, 1985), Petr Kofroň (Alfa and Centaur, 1988-89) and Josef Adamík (Unstable and Improbable Dances, 1983-84).

Amor tiranno
290 czk  CD
In stock
Amor tiranno

Italian Love Songs of the 17th century, from the Lobkowicz Collection in Bohemia

Ivana Bilej Brouková: soprano, Markéta Cukrová: mezzo-soprano, Jan Krejča: theorbo, Baroque guitar, Renaissance lute, Miloslav Študent: archlute, Baroque guitar, Renaissance lute, Petr Wagner: viola da gamba, Tomáš Reindl: percussion

Angelica belta
Rožmberská kapela

Štěpán Kaniak: fiddle, plucked string and wind instruments
Pavel Polášek: wind instruments, santur
Mario Mesany: wind instruments, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes, artistic leader
Štěpán Mesany: wind instruments, organetto
Erika Reitschmiedová: harp, plucked string instruments
Libor Žídek: voice, percussion

guests – Šárka Langerová: voice, Ondřej Sokol: sackbut, Richard Šeda: cornett, Jan Linhart: percussion & children’s choir

Antonín Jemelík - Deleted History
190 czk  CD
In stock
Antonín Jemelík - Deleted History
Fišer, Jemelík, Slavický, Sluka

Luboš Fišer: IV. Piano Sonata    
Luboš Sluka: Sonata per pianoforte     
Klement Slavický: Piano Sonata “Contemplation of Life”    
Antonín Jemelík: Three Melodramas   
Antonín Jemelík / Luboš Sluka: Lullaby for Voice and Piano

Barbora K. Sejáková: piano
Terezie Švarcová: soprano
​Marie Tomášová: narration

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