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1 Between Two Waves Concerto for piano and string orchestra (2006/2008)
2 Duo (after Osip Mandelstam) for viola and violoncello (1998/2011)
3 Barcarola for violin solo, string orchestra and percussion (2007)
Gidon Kremer: violin; Daniil Grishin; viola; Giedrė Dirvanauskaitė: violoncello; Andrius Zlabys: piano; Andrei Pushkarev: percussion; Kremerata Baltica, Roman Kofman, conductor
Keith Jarrett: organ Recorded September 1976
Elsbeth Moser: bajan, Boris Pergamentschikow: violoncello, Münchener Kammerorchester, Christoph Poppen: conductor
Kiev Chamber Choir Mykola Hobdych: conductor Songs For Vespers (2006) Psalms And Prayers (2007) Two Psalms Of David (2007) Two Spiritual Refrains (2008) Two Spiritual Songs (2007) Three Spiritual Songs (2006)
Anna Gourari: piano Bach/Busoni: Ich ruf’ zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ Gubaidulina: Chaconne Hindemith: »1922« — Suite für Klavier Bach/Busoni: Nun komm’ der Heiden Heiland Bach/Busoni: Chaconne Bach/Siloti: Prelude in b minor
Beatus Petronius: Salve Regina: Statuit ei Dominus: Alleluia Tropus: L’Abbé Agathon: Estonian Lullaby: Christmas Lullaby
Latvian Radio Choir, Vox Clamantis, Sinfonietta Riga, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Tönu Kaljuste
Kim Kashkashian: viola
György Kurtág (*1926): Signs, Games and Messages (1989 – in progress) György Ligeti (1923-2006): Sonata for viola solo (1991-1994)
Heiner Goebbels: conception, music and direction Klaus Grünberg: set design, light and video Hubert Machnik: musical collaboration, programming Willi Bopp: sound design