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The third Album of Vocal ensemble Gregoriana — the second one of its series In illo tempore. It is called according to the liturgical season which it illustrates — Tempus nativitatis (Christmas season). The aim of the series In illo tempore is to revive the old Slovak musical manuscripts dated before 1600.
directed by Jan Mikušek & Marek Klein
Slovakian (from Kosice) vocal ensemble Gregoriana comes with theirs second CD, this time led by Czech conductor Jan Mikušek. Nova (new), in the form of sacred choral works by contemporary authors, is here by the Vetera (old) in the form of Gregorian chant. Of Slovak authors are represented by Martin Bako, Mirko Krajči, Víťazoslav cubic Matthew Simko and Peter Zagar, other countries represented Libor Dřevikovský and Zdeněk Lukáš (Czech Republic), Fabio Fresi (Italy), Rihards Dubra and Renate Stivrina (Latvia), Vytautas Miškinis (Lithuania), Javier Busto (Spain) and Imant Raminsh (Canada).
Organum (from Codex Las Huelgas) Magister Perotinus (c1160 – c1230) Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz (c1400 – c1480) Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) Gregorian Motet (from Montpellier Manuscript) Gregorian antiphon, gradual, offertory, communion Jewish tune (from Cochin)
Vox Clamantis Eve Kopli, Kadri Hunt, Mikk Üleoja, Taniel Kirikal, Tõnis Kaumann, Sakarias Jaan Leppik, Endrik Üksvärav, Erik Salumäe, Mikk Dede, Riivo Kallasmaa, Markus Järvi, Anto Õnnis
Jaan-Eik Tulve: artistic director and conductor
Anna Maria Friman Linn Andrea Fuglseth Torunn Østrem Ossum vocals
Jan Garbarek soprano and tenor saxophones The Hilliard Ensemble David James countertenor Rogers Covey-Crump tenor Steven Harrold tenor Gordon Jones baritone
David James: countertenor, Roger Covey-Crump: tenor, John Potter: tenor, Gordon Jones: baritone