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Stylové varhanní skladby Jaroslava Tůmy inspirované slavným vokálním dílem Adama Václava Michny (výběr z České mariánské muziky, 1647) Vedle Michnova originálu (s vybranými slokami ke zpívání) je vždy zařazena původní Tůmova, ovšem dobová kompozice. Noty pro varhany, příp. jiný klávesový nástroj 76 stran, formát A4 na šířku, vazba V1
Marek Štryncl & Musica Florea Live recording
Marek Štryncl & Musica Florea new live recording
That the clavichord is a nearly forgotten instrument is quite unjust. It served its role very comprehensively for many centuries, and many of its advantages could not be taken up by newer kinds of keyboard instruments, nor could they be replaced in any commensurate way, let alone be surpassed. The main reason why pianos and later harmoniums definitively displaced clavichords from people’s homes and salons during the nineteenth century was the general requirement of a louder sound, although a part may have also been played by the newer types of musical instruments being easier to play.