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CD 1 Philipp Jacob Rittler (c. 1639–1690) CD 2 Thomas Antonio Albertini (1660–1736) Societas Incognitorum, Eduard Tomaštík CD 3 Václav Matyáš Gurecký (1705–1743) CD 4 Josef Antonín Gurecký (1709–1769) Musica Florea, Marek Štryncl CD 5 Anton Neumann (c. 1720–1776) CD 6 Josef Puschmann (1738–1794) Musica Figuralis, Marek Čermák
Hasse, Leo, Lotti, Pergolesi, Vinci, Vivaldi Ivana Bilej Brouková: soprano, Markéta Cukrová: mezzo-soprano Hipocondria Ensemble directed by Jan Hádek The choir of St Vitus’s Cathedral was also regularly performed Italian music. That was not unusual, after all, since Italy set the tone practically throughout the eighteenth century. Italian music, or at least compositions in the Italian style, form part of almost all the Bohemian music archives of this period. What is remarkable, however, is the great number and particularly selection of compositions that have been preserved at St Vitus’s...