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Studio Svengali / Arta Music

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Michael Pospíšil, Ritornello
Upside Down or Bacchanalistica
Ritornello, directed by Michael Pospíšil

What one earth do you mean, ”Bacchanalistica”? No, don’t worry, this isn’t about some cheap vulgar approach to marketing the great Johann Sebastian (although he certainly had a great appetite for food!), or some trendy display of musicological expertise, or a hygienist’s analysis of the drinkability of water from the stream (der Bach = stream in German). Bacchanalia, in the sense of wild and opulent revels took their name from Bacchus, “the patron of feasting and drinking” – yes, when wine flowed in the streams! We might find a certain etymological association with another German word, der Bauch = the belly, which is related to our Czech word “bachor” meaning one of the stomachs of the cow. Bachanti or vaganti, was once the name given to people – mostly students – who wandered from university to university, from town to town and from inn to inn, begging, seducing, and enjoying their food and drink. From the Middle Ages the vagabond pupils and students were an element akin to the homeless of today. But...
Mišpacha III
Jewish festive songs
Prague choir Mišpacha (Mishpaha), directed by Helena-Ester Divecka
Tereza Bouckova, Helena-Ester Divecka, Ester Jerochim, Chana Jerochim, Chaja Jerochim, Helena Klimova, Helena Kovanicova, Sara Miletin, Zlata Palkovicova, Anna Sterecova, Iva Steinova, Kacka Steinova, Hana Skoumalova, Zdena Skoumalova, Irena Tausingerova, Lenka Termerova Lukas Pellar, Jakub Roth, Petr Vacek, Martin Vyhnalek and guests
František Ignác Antonín Tůma
Trio Sonatas
Antiquarius Consort: Václav Návrat - baroque violin, Simona Pešková - baroque violin, Petr Hejný - baroque cello, Přemysl Vacek - theorbo, baroque guitar, Václav Luks - harpsichord
World premiere recording
Josef Mysliveček
String Quintets
G major, E flat major, C major, A major, F major, B flat major
Sinfonia E flat major
Pro arte antiqua Praha: Václav Návrat, Jan Šimon, Ivo Anýž, Jaromír Páviček, Petr Hejný
World premiere recording on period instruments
Jiří Stivín
Inspiration by Foklore
Jiri Stivin - fl, cl, as, voc, Jaroslav Sindler - g, Frantisek Uhlir - b, Josef Vejvoda - dr

Ked sa Jano na vojnu bral, Vyletel vtak, Inspiration 1, Nepudu domu, Inspiration 2, Dobru noc ma mila, Inspiration 3, Ej zeny zeny, Inspiration 4, Quia Quenita, Inspiration 5, Children Song #6, Inspiration 6, U Dunaja u Presporka, Inspiration 7, Zotali brezu, Inspiration 8, Zeme lidi, Inspiration 9, Umrem umrem, Inspiration 10
390 czk  CD
In stock
George Mraz
George Mraz - acoustic bass
Richie Beirach / Karel Ruzicka - p, Peter Donald / Martin Sulc - dr

This album compiled from CDs “Catching Up” by George Mraz Trio (ARTA 1992, F10025) & “Going Home” by George Mraz / Karel Ruzicka, (ARTA 1993, F10041) by 2HP Production for ARTA in 2003.
Jaroslav Tůma
Organ Improvisation
Live recordings on eight different instruments throughout the world:
Doksy (Czech Republic), Passau, Munchen, Frankfurt (Germany), Milano (Italy), Karlskrona (Sweden), Cambridge (United States), Annaka (Japan)
Luboš Andršt
Acoustic Set

Lubos Andrst - g, Radek Krampl - vib, Petr Dvorsky - b, Michal Hejna - dr, Jaromir Helesic - dr

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