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Studio Svengali / Arta Music

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Sephardic Songs
Avrix mi galanica, A la nana a la buba, Aire de mujer, El rey de Francia, Adio querida, Al paar por Casablanca, Irme quiero, El rey que muncho madruga, Ven querida, La serena, Partos trocados, Durme durme, Paxaro d'hermozura, Noches noches, Un lunes por la manana, Ya viene el cativo, Esta montana, Quendo el rey Nimrod

Jana Lewitová - mezzosoprano, Rudolf Měřinský - Renaissance lutes, Hana Fleková - viola da gamba, Ingeborg Žádná - viola da gamba, Pavel Plánka - percussion
Lute Songs in the 16th & 17th Century Europe
Valderrabano, Mudarra, Narvaez, Milan, Dowland, Sturt, Marini, Marinoni, Patta, Piccinini, Cavalli, Kapsberger, Purcell, anonymous

Jana Lewitová - mezzosoprano, Rudolf Měřinský - Renaissance and Baroque lutes, chitarrone, alto
Italian Clavier in the 16th and 17th Century
Giovani Picchi: Ballo alla Polacha, Passe e Mezzo di Mg. Gio. Picchi, Ballo ditto il Stefanin
Girolamo Frescobaldi: Toccata prima, Cento partite sopra passacagli
Domenico Zipoli: Suita si minore
Alessandro Scarlatti: Toccata per cembalo
Giedre Luksaite-Mrazkova - virginal, single & double manual harpsichords
Maskerade Sextet
A. F. G. Bach: Elegie
J. S. Bach: Siciliana, BWV 1031
F. Chopin: Berceuse op. 57
C. Debussy: Syrinx, Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune
R. Gliere: Nocturne op.35 / 10
S. Isobe: Maskerade / Variations on "Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann" 
M. Miyagi: Haru no Umi
W. A. Mozart: Zwei Märsche D dur, K. 335
Orphee - piano & woodwind quintet: Yoshie Kaminaga, Atsushi Ichinohe, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Shuhei Isobe, Yuichi Tominari, Katsuhisa Ohtaki
Brevnov Abbey Organ (The)

Czech late Baroque figural music by Benedictines of the Břevnov-Broumov Archabbey / Johann Valentin Rathgeber, Georg Christoph Wagenseil, Wenzel Gunter Jacob, Josef Mentzel, Erasmus Mentschel, Anonymous

Robert Hugo - organ, Hana Blažíková - soprano, Markéta Cukrová - alto, Jaromír Nosek - bass
Capella Regia Praha, directed by Robert Hugo

Amor tiranno
290 czk  CD
In stock
Amor tiranno

Italian Love Songs of the 17th century, from the Lobkowicz Collection in Bohemia

Ivana Bilej Brouková: soprano, Markéta Cukrová: mezzo-soprano, Jan Krejča: theorbo, Baroque guitar, Renaissance lute, Miloslav Študent: archlute, Baroque guitar, Renaissance lute, Petr Wagner: viola da gamba, Tomáš Reindl: percussion


Contemporary music ensemble from Prague presents compositions by Martin Smolka (Music Sweet Music, 1985-88), Miroslav Pudlák (Imprints, 1985), Petr Kofroň (Alfa and Centaur, 1988-89) and Josef Adamík (Unstable and Improbable Dances, 1983-84).

The Story of the Plasy Organ
333 czk  3CD
In stock
The Story of the Plasy Organ

Brahms, Bull, Byrd, Froberger, Muffat, van Noordth, Pachelbel, Scheid, Sweelinck, Tůma, Weckmann

Jaroslav Tůma: organ by Abraham Starck, 1688

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