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350 czk  2CD
In stock
Jaroslav Tůma

Johann Sebastian Bach, Dietrich Buxtehude, Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer, Johann Erasmus Kindermann, Nicolas Lebègue, Johann Pachelbel, Hieronymus Praetorius, Heinrich Scheidemann, Samuel Scheidt, Jean Titelouze, Jaroslav Tůma

Jaroslav Tůma plays organ from 1712 by Tobias Fleck, reconstructed by Vladimír Šlajch (2019)
Pavel Šmolík and Schola Cantorum Pilsensis co-perform in the chants

Michna, Tůma
Labyrinth of the Holy Love

new period music inspired by the famous vocal collection by Adam Václav Michna (selection from the Czech Marian Music, 1647) 
composed and performed by Jaroslav Tůma 

organ from Kruh (1627) in the cathedral of St Stephen in Litoměřice

Castrato Arias
290 czk  CD
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David Cizner
Castrato Arias

Händel, Pergolesi, Porpora, Vinci

David Cizner boy soprano
Hipocondria ensemble – Jan Hádek: violin, Petra Ščevková: violin, František Kuncl: viola, Ondřej Michal: cello, Tadeáš Messany: double bass, Petra Ambrosi: oboe, Inge Marg: oboe, Jana Švadlenková: natural horn, Hana Suková: natural horn, Jan Krejča: theorbo, Filip Dvořák: harpsichord

Musicus salutaris
350 czk  CD
In stock
Jan Ignác František Vojta
Musicus salutaris

Anima mea dilecta, Sonata 1 - 3, Threnodia hujus temporis, Parthia amabilis, Arietta cordialis
La Gambetta - on period instruments
World premiere recording

Capella regia musicalis - Ritornello
350 czk  CD
In stock
Václav Karel Holan Rovenský
Capella regia musicalis - Ritornello
Hollan's hymnal CAPELLA REGIA MUSICALIS (1693/94) is unique in the world, for several important reasons. Its relatively large format (A4) was rarely used anywhere. It was so big that it required a music stand. It was not, however, meant only to remain standing in the church as a counterpart to the liturgical books on the altar; it was intended for use in processions, schools, at table in peoples' homes, and at the bedside (for morning, evening, and wedding songs). Some of the songs seem to have come running in from a small grove, park, garden, or field-path, or, conversely, running back to them. It contains songs for a small Bohemian Ordinary, next to evensongs, songs for the congregation, solo 'arias' for professionals - the acolytes. Some of the songs allow the accompanying organist to 'shine'; others have been furnished much less modestly with parts not just for the organ but for many other instruments as well. No other nation in the world can boast such an accomplishment.
Michael Pospíšil, Ritornello
A Birding We Shall Go!
Hunting Songs of Baroque Bohemia
on period instruments
Czech Lute (The)
390 czk  CD
In stock
Adam Václav Michna
Czech Lute (The)
popular song collection (1653) by one of the outstanding musical personalities of his time

Ritornello, directed by Michael Pospíšil
World premiere recording on period instruments
Fibich, Smetana
String Quartets
Zdeněk Fibich: String Quartet G major, op.8; Theme and Variations B flat major 
Bedřich Smetana: String Quartet D minor
The Dolezal Quartet: Jiří Fišer, Vladimír Kučera, Karel Doležal, Petr Hejný
12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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