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Musica Florea, conducted by Marek Štryncl
World premiere recording on period instruments. Live recording.
Marek Štryncl & Musica Florea Live recording
Johann Sebastian Bach, Dietrich Buxtehude, Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer, Johann Erasmus Kindermann, Nicolas Lebègue, Johann Pachelbel, Hieronymus Praetorius, Heinrich Scheidemann, Samuel Scheidt, Jean Titelouze, Jaroslav Tůma Jaroslav Tůma plays organ from 1712 by Tobias Fleck, reconstructed by Vladimír Šlajch (2019) Pavel Šmolík and Schola Cantorum Pilsensis co-perform in the chants
improvisations on themes from the cycle of symphonic poems 'My Country' by Bedřich Smetana
Jaroslav Tůma - organs (in Vyšehrad, Hejnice, Žlutice, Litoměřice, Kladruby, Zbraslav, Mikulov, Bezděz)
Ludmila Dvořáková, Peter Höngesberg, Michaela Káčerková, Vladimír Kopáčik, Juraj Mičúnek, Ivana Michalovičová, Marek Mosnár, Daniel Knut Pernet, Marie Pochopová, Juraj Slovík, Tomasz Soczek, Pavel Svoboda, Ondřej Valenta, Marie Zahrádková, Iveta Zaťková Organ by Egedacher 1732, Späth 1750, Výmola 1760, Sauer 1874, Schlag & Söhne 1899, Schuke 1905, 1908, Šlajch 2004, 2013, Mathis 2014
new period music inspired by the famous vocal collection by Adam Václav Michna (selection from the Czech Marian Music, 1647) composed and performed by Jaroslav Tůma organ from Kruh (1627) in the cathedral of St Stephen in Litoměřice
Händel, Pergolesi, Porpora, Vinci David Cizner boy soprano Hipocondria ensemble – Jan Hádek: violin, Petra Ščevková: violin, František Kuncl: viola, Ondřej Michal: cello, Tadeáš Messany: double bass, Petra Ambrosi: oboe, Inge Marg: oboe, Jana Švadlenková: natural horn, Hana Suková: natural horn, Jan Krejča: theorbo, Filip Dvořák: harpsichord