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Studio Svengali / Arta Music

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The first complete recording of W.A. Mozart’s piano sonatas on the composer’s own fortepiano (Anton Walter, 1782). This comprehensive, 7-CD boxed set also comprises unfinished fragments by the Austrian composer, here completed by American pianist and Mozart-scholar Robert Levin in consideration of Mozart’s idioms and the compositional mannerisms of his era. Robert Levin’s interpretations of the piano sonatas, too, are informed by the performance practice customs of the First Viennese School, including improvised elements and decorations in the repeats. The recordings are accompanied by a 100-page booklet featuring an extensive essay on the sonatas by Mozarteum-director and Mozart-expert Ulrich Leisinger as well as a performer’s note by Levin, manuscript-scores and more.

© Studio Svengali, February 2025
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