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NUO - multimusic minibigband


F10128    [8595017412820]   released 9/2004

play all NUO - NUO 57:52
Šunka-tu-dup-ček 5:04
Vinyl 6:17
Tangola 6:01
Days 4:52
Podajida 5:43
Kolonáda Eger 3:46
13 4:17
Moře 6:24
Nights 3:25
Ooom 1:32
Termix 10:02

Jakub Zitko - keyboards & leader, Marcel Bárta - saxophones, Pavel Hrubý - tenor saxophone & bass clarinet, Oskar Török - trumpet, Jan Jirucha - trombone & euphonium, Jiří Šimek - guitars, Jakub Vejnar - bassguitar, Miloš Dvořáček - drums & percussion, Vladan Maliniak - violin & viola, Katarina Karasová - flute, Ivan Acher - fonovox & pictures

Endless debates about what to play and how to play, how to escape from the repetitive jazz standards interpretation and the humble worhshiping of unattainable music idols, resulted in the idea to form a larger ensemble, which would stir up the Prague music scene. Its name sounds a bit mysterious: NUO. The explanation is simple, though: Nuselský (a district of Prague), Umělecký (art), Orchestr (orchestra).

Jakub Zitko, the leader of NUO is, regarding his music taste, quite a "mugwump": Charles Mingus, Medeski, Martin and Wood, Béla Bartok, Led Zeppelin. Throughout his time he has moved from the piano to the Hammond organ and Fender Rhodes and he likes to explore the samplers and effects to create new sounds. He finds inpiration in the works of Vienna Art Orchestra, Mingus Bigband or John Scofield's Quiet album. The music of NUO has been developing into an unpedictable direction thanks to all the personalities in the band, who have focused their creative energy to one mutual goal.

The result of the efforts of NUO members is ideal for all open-minded listeners able to perceive the blending of the genres without a benignant smile or arrogant mockery. Musicians from NUO have paid their dues, but they want to go further. They might get to these unexplored areas, but that is the path chosen by most of the current jazz visionaries.

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